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AMMAN Ministry of Culture  
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Ministry of Culture
Its inception, and career development
Came to attention in education since the founding of the Jordanian state as a prelude to promote Arab culture open to the humanitarian dimension of the broader. Jordan has witnessed since its inception culturally significant activity in the court of His Highness Prince Abdullah of the founder. It has been a poet and man of letters, the first interest in literature in particular and culture in general, has been a cultural his court as a forum is active.

However, the institutionalization of cultural work in Jordan, was based on the accumulations in the cultural work of government and private sectors, has begun to create the Department of Culture and Arts in 1966 as a framework patron of cultural activity in the Kingdom, as well as to fill the void at the level of cultural services, it was the establishment of the service of caring for the everything related to art and cultural affairs in the Kingdom, and cooperation with writers and intellectuals, artists and support their activities. Have been associated with this department at the Ministry of Culture, Media and Tourism and Antiquities, which was established in early 1964, and entrusted with the care of various cultural and media affairs, was composed until the eve of the Department relate to the Ministry of Culture and Youth in 1976, the following sections:
• the cultural section.
• Conservatory.
• Task folklore.
• Department of Drama.
• Department of Folklore.
• Department of Fine Arts.

And has been the Department of Culture and the arts associated with the Ministry of Information until the establishment of a new ministry on behalf of the Ministry of Culture, Youth under Article 20 of the Constitution, has issued its 1977 and formed from the following departments:
• Department of Culture and the Arts.
• Directorate of Libraries and national documents.
• Youth Care Foundation.

The Department of Culture and the Arts, which is built on the basis of which the Ministry of Culture later, it was composed of the following sections:
• Department of deployment of cultural production and distribution.
• Department of Folklore.
• Department of Theater.
• Department of patrols.
• Institute of Music and Fine Arts.

With developments in the Jordanian state and the emergence of the distinction between youth activities and cultural expansion, it became necessary to create two separate ministries, which first established a Ministry of Culture and National Heritage in 1988 by a special system is the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage No. 5 of 1988, then the system of the Ministry of Culture No. 5 of 1990 , followed by a ministerial regulation to the Ministry of Culture No. 15 of 2003.

Can be divided into stages that have evolved through the Ministry of Culture to five stages:
Phase of the Department of Culture and Arts related to the Ministry of Culture and Information and Tourism and Antiquities. This phase extends from 1966 to 1976, was the stage of establishing the cultural work of government, was promulgated first system for the dissemination of cultural production in Jordan and distributed in 1969, and started publishing books, cultural, and issued its first cultural magazine (ideas) in 1966, and established the Conservatory in 1966 In addition to the Task folk arts, and founded the first theater government - the family theater of Jordan, where he continued activity from 1965 until 1977, and appeared Library Association of Jordan in 1967, the government set up the first Palace of Culture at Al Hussein Youth City in 1968, and initiated the establishment of the Royal Cultural Center General 1973, and established the Jordanian Writers Association in 1974, and the National Library in 1975, under the No. 85 of 1975, and published the magazine "Sound Generation" magazine and "folk art" in 1974, and worked the Directorate to record statements of a large number of elderly and others who have memorized the folklore, The club appeared to revive the popular Heritage 1970, which established the popular Museum of Costume and fashion popular in the Roman amphitheater.

Was sponsored by the Department of Culture and the arts at this point - within their means - the various sectors of culture, writers, playwrights, and visual artists, musicians, and has continued such care in the later stages.
Phase of the Department of Culture and Arts-related Ministry of Culture and Youth. Spread of this stage of the year 1976 to 1984, a phase characterized by an active cultural significant, as the Ministry continued interest in sectors of culture, and the closer the relationship between them and the intellectuals in these sectors, it has held its first working meeting between the Minister of Culture, Youth and Jordanian Writers in 1977, and the first meeting with Fine Artists result was the emergence of the Association of Fine Artists of Jordanians in 1977, and was the first system of state awards Estimated Endowment for the Humanities No. 19 of 1977, held in Amman, the first Conference of Ministers of Culture Forum 1976, and issued the "Amman Declaration," the cultural, which has become a constitution including the movement of Arab cultural , was founded at this stage, the Association of playwrights Jordanians with the encouragement of the ministry in 1977, and held its first seminar for those interested in the order of theater in Jordan in 1978, and published arts magazine in 1987, and began the cultural center its activities in 1983, and founded the Association of musicians Jordanians in 1980 and the back of the Royal Academy for Islamic Civilization Research - Al al-Bayt new cultural monument in the same year. During this phase of expansion in the establishment of cultural relations and agreements with several Arab and foreign countries, the ministry continued its activities through the continuation of the activities of the Department of Culture and Arts in the publication of books, periodicals, and sponsors various theatrical productions for adults and children, as well as hosting technical teams and submitted to the Jordanian citizens, as the Ministry has renewal systems that operate, was promulgated a system of cultural production and distribution of No. 38 of 1977, eliminating the system 1969, and issued a directorate of libraries and national documents No. 27 of 1977, eliminating the system in 1975, after the phase of the Ministry of Culture and Youth, returned the Department of Culture and the arts to relate again the Ministry of Culture and Information and tourism and the effects for a short period, which extended from 1984 to 1988, and their activities were a continuation of the activities of the Directorate of the former, and began to appear some of the technical teams that have undertaken the conservation folklore and published, and started forums and cultural associations to emerge.
The ministry in its current phase, which began in 1988, it was formed and the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage under Regulation No. 15 of 1988, has been crystallized and the Ministry of Culture as a government institution concerned with cultural affairs, its goals and policies identified in the system of the Ministry. Has characterized this stage to enter the Jordan era mission in its history, it returned the democratic life of the country after a lapse of more than twenty years, and was political life and political freedoms, and it was this would open the door to Altosain horizontal and vertical in cultural activities, Fasthaddtt Ministry directorates of culture in the different governorates, and the number of cultural institutions more than doubled, and Jordan has witnessed a cultural movement is very active, was held in Amman, cultural days, Jordanian-Palestinian in 1991, and held the ministry cultural seminars relevant to the culture of Jordan under the name "Forum Oman annual cultural", and restored life to the movement of the play, through the adoption of the idea of ​​festivals, theater for adults and young people and children from the year 1993, and held in Amman, the General Union of Writers Forum XVIII for the first time in 1992, and was elected President of the Jordanian Writers Association as President of the General Union of Writers Arabs, and embraced the ministry based in Amman. A meeting of cultural events in Jordan in 1993, increased attention to the culture of the child, where resumed the magazine "The Medal" issued in 1988, and held the first Festival of Children's Song in 1993, and presented plays for children, Jordan has seen a movement like no other in the Exhibition of Fine Arts under the auspices of the ministry, and held Jordanian Song Festival the first initiative of the Association of Jordanian musicians in 1993.

And held a cultural agreement with the Government of China, under which the Chinese government's help in order to create a modern and sophisticated of the National Library, and became the National Library Service stand-alone, and passed the Copyright Protection Act No. 22 of 1992 and founded the Museum of the political life in 1994, which chronicles the activities of the Jordanian state , and took the building of the old nation-based, and took over the ministry overseeing the Arar home in Irbid, and adopted to help create a cultural center in the fort / Irbid, and Karak and Ma'an in the building of the old brigades.

And was able to ministry within the financial means limited to provide support to all sectors of intellectuals, adopting a policy of supporting Jordanian writer beginning in 1993, and to support artists, musicians and dramatists in the administration of their activities and sponsorship, and the Ministry is encouraging and sponsoring cultural activities in the provinces and cities of Jordan different.
The fourth phase, which began in 2002, and the made the ministry confident steps and outstanding cultural work was marked by the 2002 selection of Amman is the capital of Arab culture, it has been able to the Ministry and in cooperation with the institutions and bodies of the cultural work different to achieve the cultural work a lot in terms of the diversity of activities and cultural events held on the occasion, especially the weeks of Arab culture that had a major role in establishing cooperation and exchange of cultural inter-country sister different, it has been the experience of Amman is the capital of Arab culture experience a unique and distinct, and recognized by UNESCO has ranked Oman first place among the capitals of the Arab culture in terms of momentum cultural diversity and how it is done. This has been a strong foundation stage to the stage of legislation and laws passed in the subsequent phase.
The fifth stage from the date of the march of the Ministry of Culture, was the issuance of Royal Decree approving the regulation No. 15 of 2003, the private system the administrative organization of the Ministry of Culture and the approval of Regulation No. 16 for the year 2003 based administrative organization of the Cultural Center Royal, as well as the issuance of Royal Decree approving the temporary law No. 3 of 2003 - Law for the Welfare of Culture.

And among the laws and regulations that were issued but was the continuation of the organization of work of the ministry and its affiliates and in line with the requirements of the development of cultural work, The Ministry of Culture is currently preparing to produce a draft system support fund of culture to ensure the supplier independent help on the development of cultural work and elevate it to the ministry and the bodies and cultural institutions involved in cultural work .

The Ministry of Culture based on the principle that culture is not born by government institutions, but manufactured and sectors of public intellectuals, and the Ministry seeks to become a cultural authority, but rather seeks to strengthen the role of culture in the life of the community so that the power of culture and is not.

Was crowned the efforts of cultural institutions and cultural movement, the issuance of Law for the Welfare of Culture No. 36 of 2006, as amended, and the establishment of a fund to support culture at the initiative of His Majesty King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein, driving cultural development strides forward, through the provision of support to ensure the development of strategies plans projects and institutions and individuals, implementation and excellence.

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